TEDxManhattan Preview with Diane Hatz … Gen R Recap

Greetings, my friends in health and wellness! This week on Generation Regeneration, we featured guest Diane Hatz, founder and executive director of non-profit Change Food, and organizer of the TEDxManhattan conference “Changing the Way We Eat”. Diane is passionate about improving our food supply through education and is having an impressive impact. It was a fun discussion, and if you missed it, you can catch it here On Demand.

I started the show by quoting a piece written by author and activist Marianne Williamson, entitled “A Quarter to Midnight”. She wrote, “It concerns me greatly, as it concerns millions of others around the world, that as a species we’re indulging in such irresponsible behavior toward our earth, our food supply, our children and our future. It’s heartbreaking how we’re serving the economic benefit of a few at the expense of potentially immeasurable suffering on the part of so many. This is not simply the 11th hour; it’s a quarter to midnight. And we must repudiate the madness in every way we can.”

Clearly we have a lot of work to do to repudiate the madness, and one thing that Diane does so well is use creativity, intelligence and humor to get her sane message across. Because let’s face it, just focusing on the doom and gloom is depressing for the messenger and the audience and will not get people excited about embracing change!

Diane introduced the mission of her non-profit Change Food (http://www.changefood.org/) and then described the program for its signature event, the upcoming TEDxManhattan conference (http://www.tedxmanhattan.org/) which will occur on March 7, 2015. The speakers will focus on sustainable food and farming practices and sound amazing – I can’t wait! If you can’t attend in person, then you can catch it at a viewing party, or live streamed. Refer to the website for the details on all of the above and be part of the movement to improve our food supply.

Another must-see that we discussed is The Meatrix (http://www.themeatrix.com/) animated short film series, for which Diane served as executive producer, and has been viewed by millions. Join the crowd! These are a parody of The Matrix films and feature Moopheus, Leo and Chickity. They are so clever and entertaining, yet provide a serious indictment of factory farming. If you would like to understand everything that is wrong with factory farming for the animals, the planet and our health, then you must check these out. At TEDxManhattan, a 10th anniversary edition of The Meatrix will be released with a new ending!

We rounded out the show discussing Diane’s biggest concern about the food supply, GMO’s, the other fabulous organizations she is partnering with, and the positive changes she has witnessed over the past 15 years. Diane provided a unique perspective and a wealth of information, so be sure to tune in!

And that does it for this week. Thanks heaps for your support! We have more exciting Generation Regeneration shows in the works. Next week on 1/27/15 we will feature Bhava Ram, aka Brad Willis, someone who made remarkable changes in his life as described in his memoir Warrior Pose. Bhava was a war correspondent whose health declined dramatically – he had a broken back, Stage 4 throat cancer, and was pickled on strong pain medications for years. The medical establishment essentially wrote him off, but he took ownership of his destiny, healed himself with the spiritual sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda, and embraced the mission of teaching others to do the same. I am looking forward to talking to Bhava, and hope you will join us for a riveting hour!

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