Gen R Recap…3 weeks of Goodness

best doctors

Greetings and salutations, my friends! I hope you all are well. We’ve been having a lot of fun on Generation Regeneration for the past 3 weeks. Our guests have been fantastic – if you missed the shows, click on the links below and listen to them at your convenience On Demand!

On the 2/3/15 show, we featured certified yoga instructor and co-owner of Mindstream Yoga Studio in Fort Collins, CO, Darla Roselle. Darla spent the entire show discussing the Eight Limbed Path of Yoga, which was written thousands of years ago, but is just as relevant today. Although many in the West associate Yoga only with the physical postures, did you know that the real goal of yoga is spiritual enlightenment? The physical postures (and a perfect crow pose!) are not the end game, but are intended to tone and relax the body so that you can sit for hours in meditation. The Eight Limbed Path is a beautiful guide to living with integrity, treating yourself with respect, toning the body, living mindfully, and reaching higher levels of consciousness. If we all followed the Eight Limbed Path, we would all be able to live more happily and create a more peaceful society. This is a journey we should all embark upon, knowing that we won’t be perfect, but that it’s the intention that counts.

On the 2/10/15 show, integrative M.D. Dr. Christopher Nagy discussed what genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) do to our bodies. Despite what Monsanto mouthpieces try to brainwash us into thinking, the science about the safety of GMO’s has NOT been settled. Not by a long shot since over 60 other countries have banned GMO’s. Dr. Nagy talked eloquently about what happens to your gut, the source of our overall health, when you ingest glyphosate (a.k.a. RoundUp) and Bt toxin. Talk about an enlightening show. I highly encourage you to check this one out if you are on the fence about GMO’s. It’ll be a no-brainer after you hear what he has to say.

On the 2/17/15 show, holistic healer Dr. Debra Arko Novotny taught us about the unique and integrative approach she uses to help her patients, and gave many helpful pointers. She made a powerful point about how important emotional and spiritual balance are for the absorption of the nutrients of our food! If your body and mind are relaxed, then your parasympathetic nervous system is in control. This is known as the rest and digest system, and is the state that we must be in for nourishment and regeneration. If we are stressed and view the world in a highly negative way, then your sympathetic nervous system is in control, which is for fight or flight. When you are in this state, it does not matter how much expensive organic food you eat…you will not be gaining the full benefit of it because your body is getting ready to run or fight, not nourish itself. Thus, the best nourishment can be obtained from a positive world view, spiritual connection and emotional balance. She talked about much more, so please tune in to learn more!

One final note I would like to make is about the recent release of an exciting book by Vani Hari, a.k.a. The Food Babe, called The Food Babe Way. If you are not aware, Vani is a food activist and the creator of You can sign up there for her updates, or follow her on Facebook and Twitter. She and her grassroots Food Babe Army put pressure on corporations to clean up the ingredients in their food, steering them toward more healthful choices. Her latest initiative is to pressure on Kellogg’s and General Mills to remove harmful preservative BHT from their cereals, which by the way, then have done in Europe already, so it’s possible. Her book, The Food Babe Way, is a must read for anyone who wants to become educated about the ingredients in our food supply that should be avoided, which she calls The Sickening 15. Vani then goes through 21 small but powerful changes that you can make to improve your diet over a 3-week period. She makes the point that the weight loss, improved energy and health make these changes well worth it! Check out The Food Babe Way to learn more!

And that is all of this installment of our blog! We hope these shows are helping you on your path to health and wellness. Great health is within reach, and you deserve it. I’d love to hear your feedback. Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment, or Tweet @SandraGMalhotra #WeAreGenR. Namaste!

Harnessing the Power Within with Bhava Ram…Gen R Recap


Greetings and salutations, my friends! This week on Generation Regeneration, we featured author, yoga and spiritual teacher Bhava Ram. I was so honored to have such an esteemed guest on the show! It was a great discussion, and if you missed it, you can catch it here On Demand.

Our goal on Gen R is to provide information and support for those who want to take ownership of their health and regenerate their bodies, minds and spirits. Bhava was a wonderful guest because he personifies the notion of regenerating one’s whole self. He is a former NBC war correspondent who worked throughout the world, including the Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia. However, a broken back from a fall and subsequent failed surgery ended this career. After dealing with this disabling condition for years came the diagnosis of Stage IV throat cancer, which developed as a result of exposure to depleted Uranium in the Middle East. During the show, he discussed how he refused to give up on life and healed himself through the sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda, as chronicled in his memoir Warrior Pose: How Yoga Literally Saved My Life. If you haven’t read it, then I highly recommend that you check it out because it is a riveting and inspiring read.

Bhava explained how the ancient sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda taught him to move from a state of chronic stress to one of mental and physical calm, which is required for healing; how to move, loosen, detox and nourish his body; and how to reconnect with his higher self. He discussed the biochemical changes that result from all of the above, and referred to this approach as Self-Directed Biological Transformation (SDBT). I was fascinated! He made the great point that the path of SDBT is not the quick and easy one, but the one that will result in deep and sustained healing.

Bhava’s journey is certainly an inspiring one, and he gave advice for those who may be embarking on a healing journey of their own. He noted that the most important thing is to start with small steps so you can chalk up small victories, and to keep going! He found the inspiration to keep going from his 2-year old son’s command to “Get up, Daddy!”. Get up, he did, and you can, too! The innate healing potential is within all of us, we just have to be willing to do the work to harness it.

We closed the show by introducing a foundation which is close to Bhava’s heart, called Warriors for Healing (W4H), for which he is the founder. W4H aspires to reach out to veterans with PTSD and teach them how to reintegrate their bodies, minds and spirits through the spiritual science of Yoga. He made the wonderful point that at the level of spirit, we are not broken and are always whole. If this cause is also close to your heart, then please get involved as an individual contributor or corporate sponsor. W Cubed, Inc. is a proud Platinum Warrior sponsor because I know that W4H will serve those who have sacrificed so much with the highest level of integrity.

You can learn more about Bhava’s work at and DeepYoga.Com and also connect with him on Facebook. But be warned, your life just might change for the better as a result!

And that does it for this week. Thanks for your support! We have more exciting Generation Regeneration episodes queued up. Next week on 2/3/15 we will focus on the Eight Limbed Path with certified yoga instructor Darla Roselle. Tune in to learn about why this ancient wisdom is just as relevant today! Namaste!

TEDxManhattan Preview with Diane Hatz … Gen R Recap

Greetings, my friends in health and wellness! This week on Generation Regeneration, we featured guest Diane Hatz, founder and executive director of non-profit Change Food, and organizer of the TEDxManhattan conference “Changing the Way We Eat”. Diane is passionate about improving our food supply through education and is having an impressive impact. It was a fun discussion, and if you missed it, you can catch it here On Demand.

I started the show by quoting a piece written by author and activist Marianne Williamson, entitled “A Quarter to Midnight”. She wrote, “It concerns me greatly, as it concerns millions of others around the world, that as a species we’re indulging in such irresponsible behavior toward our earth, our food supply, our children and our future. It’s heartbreaking how we’re serving the economic benefit of a few at the expense of potentially immeasurable suffering on the part of so many. This is not simply the 11th hour; it’s a quarter to midnight. And we must repudiate the madness in every way we can.”

Clearly we have a lot of work to do to repudiate the madness, and one thing that Diane does so well is use creativity, intelligence and humor to get her sane message across. Because let’s face it, just focusing on the doom and gloom is depressing for the messenger and the audience and will not get people excited about embracing change!

Diane introduced the mission of her non-profit Change Food ( and then described the program for its signature event, the upcoming TEDxManhattan conference ( which will occur on March 7, 2015. The speakers will focus on sustainable food and farming practices and sound amazing – I can’t wait! If you can’t attend in person, then you can catch it at a viewing party, or live streamed. Refer to the website for the details on all of the above and be part of the movement to improve our food supply.

Another must-see that we discussed is The Meatrix ( animated short film series, for which Diane served as executive producer, and has been viewed by millions. Join the crowd! These are a parody of The Matrix films and feature Moopheus, Leo and Chickity. They are so clever and entertaining, yet provide a serious indictment of factory farming. If you would like to understand everything that is wrong with factory farming for the animals, the planet and our health, then you must check these out. At TEDxManhattan, a 10th anniversary edition of The Meatrix will be released with a new ending!

We rounded out the show discussing Diane’s biggest concern about the food supply, GMO’s, the other fabulous organizations she is partnering with, and the positive changes she has witnessed over the past 15 years. Diane provided a unique perspective and a wealth of information, so be sure to tune in!

And that does it for this week. Thanks heaps for your support! We have more exciting Generation Regeneration shows in the works. Next week on 1/27/15 we will feature Bhava Ram, aka Brad Willis, someone who made remarkable changes in his life as described in his memoir Warrior Pose. Bhava was a war correspondent whose health declined dramatically – he had a broken back, Stage 4 throat cancer, and was pickled on strong pain medications for years. The medical establishment essentially wrote him off, but he took ownership of his destiny, healed himself with the spiritual sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda, and embraced the mission of teaching others to do the same. I am looking forward to talking to Bhava, and hope you will join us for a riveting hour!

To a Sustainable Mid-Life, and Beyond! … Gen R Recap

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Greetings, friends in health and wellness! This week on Generation Regeneration, we featured guests Nathan Phillips and Yancy Wright, in To a Sustainable Mid-Life, and Beyond! If you missed it, you can catch it here on Demand.

Nathan is the General Manager of Catalina Offshore Products, a San Diego based wholesaler and retailer of sustainably sourced fish, shellfish and seafood. Nathan leads a team of 100+ people, focusing the organization on maintaining standards founded in a commitment to sustainability, fishery management, and Triple Bottom Line. CatalinaOP works with local fisheries in Southern California, Baja Mexico and the west, handling their products with care and integrity. Nathan’s team celebrates small boat, sustainable fishing methods, while partnering with organizations such as Trace and Trust and Seafood For the Future to monitor traceability of their high quality fish. Yancy has over 12 years of experience shifting behaviors and business practices in the construction industry as a green building consultant, construction manager, and educator. Driven by his passion to create a better world, he left the corporate world, moved to Puerto Rico, and started Alternavida; a sustainable lifestyle and wellness retreat that helps people create a lifestyle they don’t need a vacation from. Designed for corporations, nonprofits, and groups of like-minded individuals, Alternavida brings wellness practitioners in from around the world to create authentic, soul-enriching experiences that inspire a lifetime of sustainable living.

Both Nathan and Yancy started their respective careers in the conventional fashion, where there was perhaps not a big emphasis on sustainability and healthy living. But then they each had a health scare and made the shift to a different type of corporate environment and more healthy lifestyle. During the show, they each shared their journey to living a life that regenerates the body, mind and spirit, both on and off the clock. It was empowering to hear about how they took ownership of their destinies and made significant changes for the better. The underlying message being that if they can do it, you can too, regardless of your age!

Nathan, in particular, referenced the book Younger Next Year, by Chris Crowley and Dr. Henry S. Lodge. This book emphasizes how to age gracefully beyond age 50, which they refer to as the Next Third. In the book, Dr. Lodge explains how relentless Mother Nature has been for millennia at deciding whether we are in growth or decay mode, and treating our bodies accordingly. (Dr. Lodge also gets into the biochemistry in the book, which is fascinating!) Nathan explained how a sedentary life, stress, separation from nature, and lack of emotional connection sends the decay message, whereas physical activity, positive attitude and connection to others and nature sends the growth message. The amazing thing being that although aging is inevitable, rapid decay is not if you continue living in growth mode in the Next Third. Nathan explained how he is doing just that now, through regular physical activity, great diet, a job he thoroughly enjoys at Catalina Offshore Products, and spiritual connection. He gave a shout out to Bhava Ram, his yoga instructor, who will be on Generation Regeneration on 1/27 to share his fascinating story of physical, emotional and spiritual regeneration.

Yancy then shared his journey from green construction expert to founding Alternavida. He explained how he wanted to have a more profound impact on people’s lives and how retreats at Alternavida will create the sacred space for personal transformations to occur. He went on to explain that the eco-friendly Alternavida resort is scheduled to open in mid-2017, and in the meantime, his company will host unique retreats in Puerto Rico that return guests to nature, provide nourishing food, and give them the opportunity to work with a variety of holistic practitioners. (Sounds wonderful!) Yancy also made the point that one of his goals is to teach guests the beauty of simplifying their lives and letting go of attachments, as therein lies true contentment and happiness.

Although Nathan and Yancy come from different backgrounds – sustainable/healthy food and sustainable/healthy retreats, respectively – there were a couple of common themes that we discussed. One was the importance of individual choices in shifting the direction of our society. It’s easy to blame others for the ills in our society, but it all really comes down to our collective choices. Nathan and Yancy each made the choice to live in growth mode and work toward a healthier and more sustainable future for all of us. They are walking the walk! If we all did that, then our farming practices, food supply, and health care would shift dramatically for the better.

The other common theme was the importance of community, as it’s tough to be a trailblazer! Nathan made the point that it is extremely helpful to find a tribe of like-minded people. He said that he found his at Bhava’s Deep Yoga studio in San Diego. Another would be the wellness retreats at Alternavida. I chimed in and mentioned W Cubed’s online platform called, which we will launch early this year and provide a community of practitioners and clients who are fired up about real health care. These are just a couple of examples!

And there you have it! If you would like to learn more about the topics we discussed, please check out the following websites: Catalina Offshore Products, Alternavida, and W Cubed, Inc.

Thank you for your consideration! We have more exciting Generation Regeneration shows in the works. Next week on 1/20/15 we will feature Diane Hatz, founder of non-profit Change Food and organizer of the TEDxManhattan “Changing the Way we Eat” conference. Then on 1/27/15 we will feature Bhava Ram. I am super excited about these shows, so tune in for some fun! #WeAreGenR

GMO’s, Patent Law and Leaky Gut…Gen R Recap


Greetings and Happy 2015! I hope it is starting well for you.

In previous episodes of Generation Regeneration, we talked with Nutritionist Anne Baker, Naturopath Dr. Jason Barker, and MD Dr. Christopher Nagy about foods to consume and to avoid in order to properly nourish our bodies and brains. All of these guests warned about genetically modified organisms, or GMO’s. Even though ballot initiatives are sprouting up across the country regarding GMO labeling, many people still don’t understand what they are, and are frightened by television commercials paid for by those that have a vested interest in the status quo of unlabeled GMO’s. So the goal for Tuesday’s show was to provide awareness about what GMO’s are so that you can decide whether, or not, you wish to consume them. If you missed it, you can catch it here On Demand.

Let me begin by saying that I am a classically trained scientist, and am a big fan of human ingenuity. My mind is open to the possibility that genetic modification of food could, in theory, provide a benefit to humanity with little or no risk to the planet and those that consume GMO foods, whether that be livestock animals or us humans. I would love to think that there is a viable scientific solution to a pressing problem, which is world hunger. But I have to say, the more I dug into this, the more concerned I became that there are more questions than answers about the long-term safety of GMO’s and that they were rushed into the food supply in a non-transparent manner to satisfy a corporate profit motive.

My concern is that we know enough about the risks of GMO’s to warrant proceeding with caution because our genetic heritage is at stake; despite what GMO advocates say, the science is not settled. Over 60 countries have banned GMO’s, so clearly there are valid questions about their safety. However, we are not proceeding with caution at all in the US, as GMO’s were introduced into the US food supply in the 1990’s without labels and with short-term safety testing only done by the corporations that would profit from their sale. The way they were introduced means traceability and liability are impossible. What I am saying is, where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and no one should be belittled for asking valid questions about something so important.

During the show, I asked why a multi-national corporation like Monsanto would be interested in GMO’s in the first place. The corporate propaganda machine will state that they are doing it to feed millions of hungry children out of the kindness of their hearts; let’s give them the benefit of the doubt that this MAY be partly true. What is DEFINITELY true, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that they would not get involved in this endeavor unless there was a PROFIT to be made. Let’s point out that there is not a large profit to be made in the sale of organic seeds straight from mother nature because there is nothing unique about them; they have existed for thousands of years, are readily available from many sources, and therefore can’t command a premium price. However a product which is PATENTED can command a premium price and only be sold by the party that patented it, unless they grant another party something called a license.

We spent quite a bit of time discussing patent law, which got technical, but is CRITICAL to understanding the rise of GMO’s. I encourage you to tune into the show if you want to get into the gory details. For now, let’s focus on the patenting of genetically modified seeds. Inserting genetic material from one species (such as Bt-toxin) into the DNA of corn is not obvious, and hence Monsanto was granted a patent for this product and others like it. And so the GMO saga began.

The reason I call this a saga is because Monsanto has not been satisfied with gaining a portion of the market share for their genetically modified products; they want total domination and, as we discussed, will resort to perverting patent law, intimidating and suing farmers, and thuggery to get it. The film David vs Monsanto (available online at Yekra, for example) summarizes this situation very well by telling the story of Canadian farmer Percy Schmeiser, who stood up to Monsanto, fought them in court for 8 years, and ultimately prevailed. This film is a must see if you want to understand the measures that Monsanto will take to dominate farmers and turn them into serfs on their own land, all in the name of corporate profits.

I wrapped up this section by asking whether you want your food supply controlled by executives with Monsanto stock options, who reside in a high rise far away and care only about the corporation’s bottom line and adding to their personal wealth, or your local organic farmer who is taking care of his or her land for future generations, family and community?

We then moved on to how Monsanto dominates consumers, as well, by ensuring that they are not labeled as such so that we essentially have no choice in the matter. Unless you have eaten ONLY organic whole foods and have not let a single processed item cross your threshold for the past 20 years, you have eaten GM corn and soy since over 80% of all corn and soy grown in the US is GM. You got to know if you were eating an artificial color or flavor, so wouldn’t you have like to known about this, too? I would have.

The reason this came to pass is because the FDA decided that there is “substantial equivalence” between natural and genetically modified foods. In other words, the amounts and types of nutrients in natural and genetically modified foods has been deemed to be “equivalent” and hence there is nothing to be concerned about. But the fact is that there have been no long-term safety studies of GMO’s, only short—term ones by industry, and that is supposed to be good enough. For the rest of the show, we get into why this is not good enough, who is funding anti-labeling efforts and the lies and distortions (particularly regarding food prices) that we are bombarded with. If you don’t already know what glyphosate, Bt-toxin, and leaky gut are, you will by the end of the show!

So what about lofty promises of higher yields, fewer chemicals and greater nutrition from GMO’s? Is this all worth it? Unfortunately, those are not coming to pass. The reality is that farmers are becoming serfs on their own land for a product that provides lower yields, even according to our own USDA data. GM crops require a greater amount of ever more toxic chemicals because of the development of superweeds, or weeds which become tolerant to the herbicides that are used on them, which is not a phenomenon that occurs with smaller-scale, sustainable farming practices. Also just adding a certain vitamin to a food does not ensure that it will be assimilated by the body. It’s not that simple.

I concluded by stating that I can’t avoid seeing a whole bunch of valid concerns and serious downsides to GMO’s and lofty promises left unfulfilled. Perhaps one day the lofty promises will come to pass and long-term safety data will be available. But here’s where I stand until then: we need to proceed with extreme caution. I am a big fan of something called the Precautionary Principle, which states that if the effects of a product or action are unknown, then the product should not be used or the action should not be taken. In other words, something should be shown to be safe first and not secretly introduced into the food supply, as GMO’s have been. There are simply too many unknowns about GMO’s in my opinion to consume them with abandon. And most frightening is the fact that it is not possible to co-exist with GMO’s because of the way nature works. There is no safe distance from a GM farm because the pollen will spread. There is no protective shield around an organic farm, so say goodbye to organics. Percy Schmeiser makes the point in David vs Monsanto that in Canada, all soy and rapeseed are GM by now. Wow.

So what to do when you are fighting an unethical multi-national corporation? It’s my opinion that legislation would be great, but real change will come from a grassroots effort – from each of us educating ourselves on this topic and choosing to spend our grocery budget on local, organic, non-GMO verified whole foods and NOT highly processed, artificial, modified food-like substances that don’t provide nourishment anyway. Avoid the center of the grocery store and anything in a box that proclaims how wonderful and natural it is. It isn’t and is likely full of GMO’s, artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. Stuff that will make you sick and fat – yuck. Go with foods that are as minimally processed as possible and proudly display the non-GMO verified label. Even better, choose organic whole foods. Eat simply – smoothies for breakfast, salads for lunch, no soft drinks, fruity snacks, and grass-fed beef/ or pasture raised chicken/ or wild-caught fish for dinner along with lots of veggies for dinner. And the amazing thing about making these changes? You’ll lose weight, feel better, and spend less time in the doctor’s office. There’s a saying – either pay the farmer or the doctor. Pick one.

To wrap up – this is David vs. Goliath fight, no doubt, but it’s one we have to win because once this GM genie gets out of the bottle, there’s no getting it back in and our genetic heritage will be lost. We owe the legacy of a safe food supply to all children, everywhere.

And that does it! We look forward to 2015 and hope you will continue to join us, either live or On Demand. You can learn more about all of our activities at Namaste!

What do a Naturopath, Shaman, Nutritionist and M.D. have in common? The Gen R Radio show!


Greetings and Happy New Year! Welcome to the 2014 wrap-up of my weekly Generation Regeneration radio show on VoiceAmerica. Our first show aired on 11/18/14, so we produced seven shows for the year. Each show featured a knowledgeable guest who discussed ways to regenerate our bodies, minds or spirits. I learned a great deal from them and would like to summarize the shows so that you can check them out if you missed them. I hope you will because each show was jam-packed with helpful information!

Certified Nutritionist Anne Baker joined us for 2 shows, Eat Well and Prosper and Nutrition Hypothe-myths (click on link to listen to show On Demand). In Eat Well and Prosper, Anne shed light on why counseling from a credentialed nutritionist is so helpful. One big reason is that a diet and supplement plan which is tailored to the individual can manage, and may even prevent, many health issues. Another reason is that conventional medical doctors are not trained in this field, and therefore can not provide much guidance, even if you ask for it. Anne then described a condition that she helps many patients manage, which she referred to as the Trifecta of Modern Living – chronic pain, low energy, and poor sleep. She then made the point that patients that have these ailments may have an underlying issue with chronic inflammation, which is insidious and can lead to more serious conditions. She then elaborated on the 3 pathways to inflammation that can be managed with improved diet and supplements: the detox pathway, the digestive system, and the immune pathway. The good news is that, to a large extent, the amount of inflammation in our bodies is a function of our diet and lifestyle, and hence under our control.

Anne returned for a second show, entitled Nutrition Hypothe-myths. So what is a hyothe-myth, you might ask? Good question, as I made it up! A hypothesis is a scientific term, and is a theory that is not yet proven but leads to further investigation, typically using the scientific method to prove or disprove it. A myth is an idea or story that is believed by many but is not true. A hypothe-myth starts out as a hypothesis, gets tested by the scientific community using dubious methods, gains support amongst the establishment, impacts government policy, and turns out to be a myth. Unfortunately, there are several Nutrition Hypothe-myths that we need to banish from our psyches forever. The two that we covered are officially known as the Diet Heart Hypothesis and Lipid Hypothesis, which state that dietary saturated fat and cholesterol are bad for health and should be avoided. We get into why nothing could be further from the truth where high quality sources of each are concerned.

Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and integrative health advocate Dr. Christopher Nagy then joined us and elaborated on many of the points that we discussed with Anne in Caped Health Crusader by Night. Dr. Nagy spent quite a bit of time discussing the importance of hormone health, and how to achieve it. He made a great point about the importance of bio-identical hormone replacement for women at the beginning of menopause. He discussed the importance of cholesterol in the diet because it is the building block for all types of hormones (like insulin and cortisol), and also gave his viewpoint on what should be considered high cholesterol. Hint: he doesn’t just look at LDL and HDL numbers. Dr. Nagy dropped many more truth bombs, regarding thyroid health, the relationship between leaky gut and autoimmune diseases (like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, lupus, skin rashes), and the importance of a healthy gut microbiome.

Naturopathic Doctor Jason Barker joined us in Why Naturopaths Rock. It was a fun and informative conversation. Dr. Barker described his field for those who are not familiar with it, and went into detail about the 4-year post-graduate degree he earned. He also drew a big distinction about the way he provides health care to his patients as compared to a conventional M.D. When you visit a naturopath for the first time, you will need to fill out a detailed intake form which describes your lifestyle, diet, previous health conditions, etc., so they can really get to know you. And then each time you visit the naturopath, they may spend upwards of 1 hour talking to you, doing a physical exam, and possibly doing further laboratory testing. The big point is that the naturopath will spend the time required to understand the root cause of your ailment and then will prescribe treatments which work with your body so it can heal itself. We then discussed why Type 2 diabetes is becoming so prevalent, even in kids, and how it is possible for those with Type 2 diabetes to be weaned off of insulin with proper diet and lifestyle changes. I found that part of the conversation empowering! We also covered the topics of supplements and vaccinations, which I found super informative.

We focused on the topic of vaccinations in Healing from a Vaccine Injury. It was an informative and touching episode because our guest was Andy De, an accomplished professional and father of a daughter who was struck by a devastating vaccine injury. I started the show by noting that the government stance is that vaccines are safe and effective for all, and that if you question this orthodoxy, you are branded a paranoid, unscientific, ignorant loon. Andy and I are none of the above, are concerned that the facts do not support the government stance, and feel strongly that parents need to educate themselves about the pros and cons of vaccinations so that they can make informed decisions for their children. Our goal was to provide awareness about the real possibility of a vaccine injury and direct parents to helpful resources to learn more. We therefore suggested that parents look into the following resources to learn more and not simply follow the status quo or be shamed into a course of action they are not comfortable with.

We also delved into spiritual and emotional health by featuring a Shaman and Medicine Woman Rene Villard-Reid in Introduction to Shamanic Healing and Going Deeper with a Shaman. In both episodes, Rene gave a tutorial about how she realized and developed her gifts and the type of work that Shamans do. It became clear to me that she, and others like her, simply rock because they bring something to the table that is sorely lacking in today’s society. For example, Shamans show reverence and respect for nature and all living things; they work in harmony with the energy and entities that surrounds us; and their goal is always to be of highest service to their clients by providing physical, emotional and spiritual healing. In today’s fragmented world, where our bodies, minds and spirits are fragmented from the world around us, the integration that Shamans provide is frankly going to be necessary for our survival. The current trajectory of chronic disease, war, and environmental destruction…mostly in the name of profit for multi-national corporations…is not sustainable. If you thought that Shamans were out of fashion, and only needed in primitive societies, think again!

And that does it for 2014! We look forward to 2015 and hope you will join us, either live or On Demand! Our first show on 1/6/15 will focus on genetically modified organisms, or GMO’s, which all of our 2014 guests warned us about. Tune in to learn more!

Conversation with a Health Crusader…Gen R Recap


Greetings and welcome to the eve of 2015! I hope this year is an epic one for you. I plan to make it so!!

On Tuesday, we aired a Generation Regeneration episode which featured integrative physician Dr. Christopher Nagy. If you missed it, you can catch it On Demand here. Dr. Nagy is passionate about real health care and discussed many timely topics.

For example, Dr. Nagy spent quite a bit of time discussing the importance of hormone health, and how to achieve it. He made a great point about the importance of bio-identical hormone replacement for women at the beginning of menopause. He discussed the importance of cholesterol in the diet because it is the building block for many types of hormones (like insulin and cortisol), and also gave his viewpoint on what should be considered high cholesterol. Hint: he doesn’t just look at LDL and HDL numbers. During the 12/2/14 show with certified nutritionist Anne Baker, we also touched on the dangers of low cholesterol, and disputed the Lipid Hypothesis, which I cheekily referred to as the Lipid Hypothe-myth.

Dr. Nagy dropped many more truth bombs, regarding thyroid health, the relationship between leaky gut and autoimmune diseases (like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, lupus, skin rashes), and the importance of a healthy gut microbiome.  I learned so much and think you will, too, so check it out at your convenience On Demand!

Thank you for checking out this post. I hope you found it informative and helpful! You can learn more about W Cubed activities at Namaste!

Vaccine Safety…Gen R Recap


Greetings! I hope this holiday week has been an enjoyable one for you. On Tuesday, we aired a Generation Regeneration episode on vaccine safety and vaccine injuries. If you missed it, you can catch it On Demand here. It was an informative and touching episode because our guest was Andy De, an accomplished professional and father of a daughter who was struck by a devastating vaccine injury.

I started the show by noting that the government stance is that vaccines are safe and effective for all, and that if you question this orthodoxy, you are branded a paranoid, unscientific, ignorant loon. Andy and I are none of the above, are concerned that the facts do not support the government stance, and feel strongly that parents need to educate themselves about the pros and cons of vaccinations so that they can make informed decisions for their children. Our goal was to provide awareness about the real possibility of a vaccine injury and direct parents to helpful resources to learn more.

I continued by discussing the legal and business angles for the vaccine trade, and then Andy went into detail about what happened to his gifted and energetic child after she received a required chicken pox vaccine at age 12. He was honest about how heart-wrenching it was to watch her transform from a healthy child to one which stopped speaking, eating, drinking and sleeping. He was also honest about wishing he had researched vaccine risks before agreeing to the chicken pox vaccine, or any other. We’d like to help you avoid this regret.

We therefore suggested that parents look into the following resources to learn more and not simply follow the status quo or be shamed into a course of action they are not comfortable with:

– Watch the movie Bought online; you will be changed after watching this film. Andy said that he wished he had seen this film long ago.

– Scour the websites of progressive physicians who are not afraid to speak out about their concerns with the full vaccination schedule, such as:

= Dr. Toni Bark at

= Dr. Suzanne Humphries at and also on several YouTube videos

= Dr. Sherri Tenpenny at

= Dr. Joseph Mercola at

= Dr. Lee Cowden here

We wrapped up the show with the additional recommendations for childhood vaccinations (source: website):

– Consider an abbreviated vaccine schedule, not the full one which consists of 69 doses of 16 vaccines, more than anywhere else in the world

– Delay vaccinations until age 2

– Give no more than one vaccine at a time; avoid cocktails as those are given for the convenience of the medical provider and not for the welfare of the child

– Give no more than one vaccine every six months

– Avoid live viruses, like the chicken pox vaccine

– Never give a vaccination to a sick child as vaccines are much more dangerous if your child has a compromised immune system

– Avoid vaccines containing thimerosal, which is 50% mercury. Single vial vaccines are more likely to be thimerosal free. Avoid flu shots from community vials dispensed at hospitals or drug stores, which usually contain thimerosal.

We concluded with recommendations to boost the immune system for kids of all ages. Our immune systems should be strong and robust!

Thank you for checking out this post. I hope you found it informative and helpful! You can learn more about W Cubed activities at Namaste!



Going Deeper with a Shaman and Medicine Woman…Gen R Recap


Greetings, All! Yesterday on my VoiceAmerica radio show Generation Regeneration, we spoke with our favorite Shaman and Medicine Woman, Rene Villard-Reid. I love what she had to say. If you missed it, you can catch it at your convenience On Demand here.

Rene first reviewed what she taught us about Shamanism during her first appearance on 11/18/14, which you can catch here if you missed it. She reviewed how Shamans work with spirit allies in an alternate reality consists of a lower, middle and upper world. They are very different and quite fascinating.

She then spent quite a bit of time describing the methods that Shamans use to heal and integrate their patients. The most common methods include soul retrieval, retrieval of a power animal or spiritual ally, removal of unwanted energies, past life retrievals, generational programming for illnesses, and preparing for death. Rene talked about how she uses these methods and gave specific case studies. I was impressed by the deep level of healing at the emotional and spiritual levels that can be achieved by working with a Shaman; healing that could not occur by dealing with the body or rational mind only, as is typically done with western medicine.

During the show on 11/18/14, Rene mentioned that Shamans helped to ensure the survival of their primitive communities by tapping into knowledge about their surroundings by journeying into alternate realities. They gained insights far beyond what their five senses could provide from their spirit allies about where to live and hunt, for example. I closed this show by stating my belief that Shamans are necessary today, too, because they bring something to the table which is lacking in our frenetic, disconnected society. Shamans show reverence and respect for all living things, they work in harmony with the energy and entities that surround us, and their goal is to always be of highest service to their patients by providing physical, emotional and spiritual healing. In today’s world, where our bodies, minds, and spirits are fragmented from each other and the world around us, the integration that Shamans provide is necessary for our survival. The Shamanic way is not the only path as the spiritual sciences of yoga and Ayurveda can also provide this integration, which we will discuss in detail with guests in January. It’s the integration that is key, and I have found Shamanic healing a powerful way of achieving it for myself.

Thank you for checking out this post. I hope you found it informative and helpful! You can learn more about W Cubed activities at Namaste!

Why Naturopaths Rock…Gen R Recap

food medicine

Greetings, All! Yesterday on my VoiceAmerica radio show Generation Regeneration, we spoke with Doctor of Naturopathy Jason Barker. If you missed it, you can catch it at your convenience On Demand here.

It was a fun and informative conversation. Dr. Barker described his field for those who are not familiar with it, and went into detail about the 4-year post-graduate degree he earned. He also drew a big distinction about the way he provides health care to his patients as compared to a conventional M.D. When you visit a naturopath for the first time, you will need to fill out a detailed intake form which describes your lifestyle, diet, previous health conditions, etc., so they can really get to know you. And then each time you visit the naturopath, they may spend upwards of 1 hour talking to you, doing a physical exam, and possibly doing further laboratory testing. The big point is that the naturopath will spend the time required to understand the root cause of your ailment and then will prescribe treatments which work with your body so it can heal itself. The experience will be very different from that of an appointment with a conventional M.D., where you may wait for 1 hour in the waiting room and then spend about 10 minutes with the doctor, the end result being a script for a pharmaceutical that likely just treats the symptoms of your ailment and not the root cause. Dr. Barker gave the example of treating someone who has a recurring cold during the winter. His approach would be to figure out why that patient’s immune system is allowing so many colds to fester, and treat that root cause instead of just the symptoms of the cold.

We then discussed why Type 2 diabetes is becoming so prevalent, even in kids, and how it is possible for those with Type 2 diabetes to be weaned off of insulin with proper diet and lifestyle changes. I found that part of the conversation empowering! We also covered the topics of supplements and vaccinations, which I found super informative.

I hope you will take the time to check out the show because Dr. Barker provided a wealth of useful information and showed us Why Naturopaths Rock! I’d love to get your feedback on Twitter @SandraGMalhotra #WeAreGenR. Namaste!